on off heap dump leaching

Mark E. Smith, P.E., G.E., Vice President South American ...

Further, the largest heap leaching area of the world, northern Chile and southern Peru, are also the most seismically active. The Chilean Atacama desert is the site of the largest earthquake ever recorded: 9.5 Richter magnitude in May, 19602. 1 Smith, M.E. and J.P. Giroud, Influence of the Direction of Ore Placement on the Stability of Ore Heaps

on off heap dump leaching - gewoondoenenzo.nl

Dump leaching Know More. Dump leaching is an industrial process to extract precious metals and copper from or Dump leaching is similar to heap leaching however in the case of dump leaching ore is taken directly from the mine and stacked on the leach pad without crushing where in the case of gold and silver the dump is irrigated with a dilute cyanide solution that percolates through the ore to ...

Precious Metal Heap Leach Design and Practice

Heap leaching of gold and silver ores is conducted at approximately 120 mines worldwide. ... and a selection of operating methods that trade off cost versus ... Methods similar to heap leaching can be employed: dump leaching and vat leaching (vat leaching is the treatment of sand or crushed ore in bedded vats with rapid solution percolation).

Design and Operation of Heap Leach Pads

On/Off Pad ¾Suitable for ore with short leach cycles and consistent leaching characteristics. ¾Areas with limited flat terrain. ¾Requires a rinsed ore site/pad. ¾Durable "high-stress" liner system. ¾Practiced in wide range of climate conditions. ¾Smaller storm pond. ¾Costs: double handling of ore, rinsing system, rinsed ore storage.

Critical parameters in the dump and heap leaching of gold ...

Critical parameters in the dump and heap leaching of gold, silver, copper and uranium: permeability, solution delivery and solution recovery

Dump and Heap Leaching - HydroJex

tions, run-of-mine or ROM dump leaching and crushed ore heap leaching. Dump leaching consists of truck end-dumping of ore broken only by the drilling and blasting of mining activ - ity. After completion of ore placement, the surface is ripped using bulldozers to break up compaction layers and improve solution distribution uniformity. Crushed ore heap leaching involves reducing ROM ore

Heap Leaching - Hatch

Hatch heap leaching capabilities include: optimizing performance through dynamic modeling, leach pad and pond design, upgrading to on/off leach-pad systems.

Hydrometallurgical Processing of Low-Grade Sulfide Ore and ...

issues and processing technologies for heap leaching intensification in severe climatic conditions. The paper presents perspectives for heap leaching of sulfide and mixed ores from the Udokan (Russia) and Talvivaara (Finland) deposits, as well as technogenic waste dumps, namely, the Allarechensky Deposit Dumps (Russia).

Heap Leaching - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Heap leaching is conducted on ore stockpiles (traditionally called dump leaching) to static heaps to on–off dynamically loaded pads. In stockpile ore leaching, low grade ore is removed from the mine and stacked in an area of convenience which has naturally occurring impermeable soil.

Dump leaching - Wikipedia

Dump leaching is an industrial process to extract precious metals and copper from ores. Dump leaching is similar to heap leaching, however in the case of dump leaching ore is taken directly from the mine and stacked on the leach pad without crushing where, in the case of gold and silver, the dump is irrigated with a dilute cyanide solution that ...

Dump leaching - BioMineWiki - Skelleftea.se

Dump leaching is one of several leaching methods. Dump leaching is carried out on rejected off-grade material that during normal mining has been put aside in big dumps at the mine site. The particle size of the material is generally big and the ore is processed for many years by sprinkling acidified water on the dump …

Valves for copper leaching | Neles

There are six different methods for leaching: heap, dump, in-situ, agitation, autoclave and vat. The leaching method used at each processing plant varies based on the ore chemistry and local conditions. Heap and vat leaching are common leaching methods.



Current scenario of chalcopyrite bioleaching: A review on ...

01-11-2015· Today, heap bioleaching has been recognized to contribute about 7% of the world's 17 million tonnes (MT) of copper. If dump bioleaching is included then an additional 13–18% of world's total copper production can be credited to bioleaching (Brierley, 2008).

Bioleaching model of a copper-sulfide ore bed in heap and ...

A two-dimensional (2-D) model for a heap or dump bioleaching of a copper ore containing mainly chalcocite and pyrite has been developed. The rate of the mineral sulfide dissolution was related to the rate of oxidation by bacteria attached onto the ore surface. The latter was calculated using the model of Michaelis-Menten, where both temperature and dissolved oxygen in the leach solution were ...

State of the practice review of heap leach pad design ...

Heap leaching is one of several methods (in-situ leaching, dump leaching, pressure leaching and tank leaching) whereby metal ores are leached with various chemical solutions that extract valuable ...


Dump, heap and in-situ leaching are the most common hydrometallurgical methods for copper recovery from these raw materials on an industrial scale [16-18]. A considerable amount of copper is recovered using these methods, which reduces uncontrollable pollution of the ...

heap and dump leaching - lancuchsmakow.pl

Heap and Dump leaching are processes used to extract metals such as copper, gold, nickel and uranium from their ores by placing the ore on a pad in the form of a heap. A heap leachpasses a levelminution while a dump leach is run of mine ROM, where the ore is …

HEAP LEACHING Technology options and innovation for copper ...

TYPES OF HEAP LEACHING • Dump Leach Facility – low grade mineralised waste with suitable permeability characteristics. Material placed in 10 m lifts. A solution irrigation system and collection system utilising pumps is used. ... Figure 3: Schematic diagram of an on/off heap leach operation. ...


Heap leaching is a tried and tested mining technique enabling the processing of different kinds of ores which could not otherwise be exploited under viable economic conditions. Modern day ... reserves and average grade (based on the "cut-off grade") of the ore.

Nonvertical solution flow and its applications in heap and ...

Lateral migration of leach solution in heaps and dumps is attributed to two phenomena. One is site-specific anisotropic conditions that exist on a macroscopic scale on the surface or within the rock piles. The second is associated with a random walk phenomenon that causes dispersion of solution, especially at gradients in flow or hydrostatic pressure.

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