afs sand grain fineness number pdf

ISSN: 2320-8848 (Online) ISSN: 2321-0362 (Print ...

Table 2: Relation between AFS grain fineness number and Average grain size AFS grain fineness no 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 Average grain size (µm) 390 340 300 280 240 220 210 195 170 150 Source: Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook. While average grain size and AFS grain fineness number are useful parameters. Choice of sand should be ...

AFS/FEF Student Technology Contest | SpringerLink

Oct 13, 2017· The grain fineness number (GFN) of each aggregate was determined according to AFS 1105-00-S. The surface area of each sand was calculated using the AFS 1109-12-S method. The sand permeability was measured using a Dietert model 338 electric permmeter with a mold permeability attachment using the AFS 5223-05-S method.

Sand Testing | American Foundry Society

Two tests will be performed in this module: the AFS 1105-12-S: Sieve Analysis (Particle Determination of Sand) and the AFS 1106-12-S: Grain Fineness Number, AFS GFN, Calculation tests. Topics that will be covered: purpose of the tests, basic variables that factor into the tests, and performing the tests in a virtual environment.


Mar 25, 2017· In practice, sand grains contain mixed grain shapes, depending on origin. A sub angular to rounded grain mixture would be the best combination. The grain size of sand is expressed by a number called grain fineness number. Grain fineness number is a system developed by AFS for rapidly expressing the average grain size of a given sand.


AFS grain fineness = x ∑x i × λ× (1) Where x corresponds to the mass of sands on every mesh number, Σ xi is the total sum of mass on all meshes, λ is the corresponding coefficient shown in Table 1. Table 1. The corresponding relation between the AFS grain fineness coefficient and mesh number

Effect of Green Sand Moulding Parameters on Hardness of LM ...

For present study, we have taken silica sand of 80, 90 and 100 grain fineness number (AFS number). LM-25 aluminum alloy is basically Al- 7% silicon alloy. It is supplied in cast conditions only. It possesses very good fluidity and resistance to hot tears. So, it can be easily cast in sand…

Authors: P. R. Carey & M. Swartzlander Sand Binder Systems

AFS Grain Fineness Number Ranges 25-180 95-160 50-90 40-160 65-90 There are certain things about foundry aggregates (sand) that need to be understood before the physical and chemical relationships between sand and resin binders can be examined. When something comprises 97–99% of anything it has a significant influence on the minor constituents.


SPHERICAL CERAMIC SAND TO PRODUCE MOLDS & CORES FOR METALCASTING ... Grain Fineness number GFN Grains Format-2 28 55 AFS 40--21 34 AFS 45 AFS 50 AFS 55 AFS 65 AFS 75 AFS 85--1 25 12 3---41.5 Spherical 1 29 13 2 1-46.9-60 13 1-- ... in/in 0.002533 %LC 0.253 0.002336 0.010058 0.234 1.006 GRAIN FINENESS NUMBER INCREASE AFTER CRUSH @ 527,7 kgf/cm² ...


SILICA SAND WASHED AND DRIED AFS 1105-12-S:1994*, "Sieve Analysis (Particle Size Determination of Sand)" AFS 1106-12-S:1994*, "Grain Fineness Number, AFS GFN, Calculation" ISO 13503-2:2006*/API RP19C:2008, Section 11, "Proppant Crush-Resistance Test" ASTM C146 – 94a, Acid Demand Value and Paste pH, Metals by Fusion and XRF (SGS Labs) Mesh

Sieve Analysis of The Moulding Sand | Casting ...

GRAIN FINENESS NUMBER - AFS • GFN or 'Grain Fineness Number' is a system developed by AFS for rapidly expressing the average grain size of given sand. • It approximates the number of meshes per inch of that sieve that would just pass the sample if its grains of uniform size. GRAIN FINENESS NUMBER - AFS


PRIORITY OF SAND TESTS . 1. Screen analysis – screen distribution and AFS grain fineness number About 90% of a mold is sand, so the base sand screen distribution is very important. In . most iron foundry green sand systems, the ideal screen distribution would be a four screen sand (at least

Molding Methods and Materials, American Foundrymen's ...

The AFS grain fineness number of sand is approximately the number of openings per inch of a given sieve that would just pass the sample if its grains were of uniform size, that is, the weighted average of the sizes of grains in the sample. It is approximately proportional to the surface area per unit weight of sand exclusive of clay.

Foundry Manual - Maritime

Sand properties for an all-purpose sand having an AFS Fineness Number of 63 are discussed in the following section. Properties of sands having higher or lower AFS Fineness Numbers (finer or coarser sands) will generally vary as described in the section on Sand Properties. (See figures 45, 46, 50, and 51.) PROPERTIES OF A 63 AFS FINENESS NUMBER SAND

Foundry and Forging Laboratory Manual

It is the property of moulding sand which allows gases to pass through easily in the mould. 3. Core and mould hardnesstest. The hardness test is useful to find out the moulds surface uniformly. 4. Sieve analysis to find the grain fineness number of basesand. To find the average grain fineness number for the selection of fine, medium, and course ...

Understanding the basics of green sand testing.

AFS Grain Fineness Number 60.0 60.0 AFS Clay AFS Clay indicates the amount of fines and water-absorbing material in the sample. Procedure - A known amount of dried molding sand mixed with a pyrophosphate solution is stirred

Afs Casting Defects Handbook - VSIP.INFO

Properties of silica sand for foundry use Source: FOSECO International Foundry men's Handbook AFS Grain Fineness Number for Kg Raja River Sand: Eye Inspection Casting Defects due to Sand Molds: Sand blow Pinholes Sand wash Scabs. AFS No. This figure gives us an indication for smoothness as follows: Code : AFS We advise you to make a sound ...

2001-1 05

sand from Songkla gave the greatest value at 974.22 kN/m2 compared to the others. However, ... ¢˝§à`ç·•ˆÒ´µÒ` AFS Grain Fineness Number (AFS GFN) ·Ø˙´µ—Æ¡ˆ§`Òµˆ°Ò„ ASTM à"˝ˆìµŁÒ§æ ·Ñ§„ÕØ 16/20/30/44/60/ 100/140/200 Ư— pan

AFS grain fineness number - GIESSEREILEXIKON.COM

The relevance of the grain fineness number can be ascribed to the fact that this values is proportional with the number of grains per unit of weight and with the specific surface area of the sand. For approximate calculation of the AFS grain fineness number, the value of the theoretic specific surface area is multiplied by the factor 0.57.

PRACTICAL WORKBOOK MY- 303: Foundry: Principles, …

The grain size of the sand is expressed by a number called "grain fineness number". A given grain fineness number corresponds to standard sieve of 200 mm diameter which has the identical number of meshes in it. To determine this number for a given sand sample, it is …

2.1AFS Fineness | PDF | Sand | Particle Size Distribution

2.1AFS fineness - Read online for free. ... Read free for 30 days


random number table.9 To simplify the analysis of the data, the levels were set at equal intervals and the resulting orthogonal contrasts facilitate easy computation of the regression coefficients. The variable factors selected are grain fineness (AFS number) of core sand, %weight of phenol

(PDF) Preparation of synthetic moulding sand using local ...

The result of sieve analysis for the sand deposit revealed a grain fineness number (GFN) of 40.01 and an average grain size of 421.70µm, which is within the range widely used in sandcasting. Over 99% bulk of the sieved sand was retained after few consecutive sieves, which confirms that the sand met AFS standard specification for foundry sand.


Foundrymens' Society (AFS) grain fineness number as a general indication of sand fineness. The AFS grain fineness number of sand is approximately the number of openings per inch of a given sieve that would just pass the sample if its grains were of uniform size, that is, the weighted average of ...

(PDF) Characterization of Southwestern Nigeria River Sand ...

The result of sieve analysis for the sand deposit revealed a grain fineness number (GFN) of 40.01 and an average grain size of 421.70µm, which is within the range widely used in sandcasting.

Sand Grain Size Analysis - Faculty

Sand Grain Size Analysis Materials Needed Equipment: (per table) 1. 6 sets of sieves = 10, 18, 35, 60, 120, 230, pan (6 sieves and the pan) 2. Electronic Balances to measure mass of samples 3. Handlenses or stereo microscopes 4. Computers with a spreadsheet program 5. Dilute HCl Materials: 1. 3 Sand samples 2. Large sheets of paper (butcher ...

(PDF) Preparation of synthetic moulding sand using local ...

The result of sieve analysis for the sand deposit revealed a grain fineness number (GFN) of 40.01 and an average grain size of 421.70µm, which is within the range widely used in sandcasting.

How to determine AFS grading Or Grain fineness number of ...

The AFS Grain Fineness Number (AFS-GFN) is one means of measuring the grain fineness of a sand system. GFN is a measure of the average size of the particles (or grains) in a sand sample. The optimal grain fineness number (GFN) in a sand system is determined by the type of metal poured, pouring temperatures, casting product mix (heavy vs. light ...


The result of sieve analysis for the sand deposit revealed a grain fineness number (GFN) of 40.01 and an average grain size of 421.70µm, which is within the range widely used in sandcasting.

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