unit weight of graded aggregate base material


AGGREGATE BASE COURSES 08/17 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 UNIT PRICES 1.1.1 Measurement Area Volume Weight 1.1.2 Payment Base Course Material Stabilization 1.1.3 Waybills and Delivery Tickets 1.2 REFERENCES 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 Aggregate Base Course 1.3.2 Graded-Crushed Aggregate Base Course

Material Weights - Harmony Sand & Gravel

35 · Approximate Weights of Various Construction Material Per Cubic Yard. Most of Harmony …


The water will pond below the surface of the flex Base, creating soft spots in the subgrade (not the flex Base) which in turn will create potholes over time. Spend the time or extra money when hiring a professional to do your grade work to ensure that the subgrade (the area below the flex Base) has been graded properly to ensure water flow.


In addition to having a uniform mixture, each lift of loose base material should be graded properly. Gradation is the percentage by weight of different-sized particles in a mixture. Proper gradation helps a material obtain strength. The strength of a raw aggregate depends partially on the unit weight of the total material.

32 11 23 - Aggregate Base Course

A. Aggregate for the two classes of aggregate bases at the time the base material is deposited on the prepared sub grade or sub base shall conform with ASTM D1241 and the following requirements: 1. Class 1 Aggregate Base: a. Class 1 aggregate base shall consist of crushed stone or gravel, free from vegetable matter and other deleterious substances.

Section 815 Graded Aggregate

Section 815—Graded Aggregate Page 3 All material passing the No. 40 (425 µm) sieve shall be non-plastic. Carbonate content (magnesium or calcium) At least 90%. 2. Gradation Grade the limerock base so at least 97 percent by weight passes the 3-1/2 in (90 mm) sieve. a. Grade the material …

Development of Design Guidelines for Proper Selection of ...

All GAB materials were non-plastic and their as-received fines content ranged from 6.9% to10%. According to SHA specifications, the fines content of the GAB materials used in highway base layers must be less than 8% (SHA 2012). The absorption of fine and coarse aggregates of GAB materials varied between 0.89 and 5.33% and 0.4 and 0.79%

Weight calculation of aggrigate & sand for 1 cum

Weight calculation of aggrigate & sand for 1 cum Products. As a leading global manufacturer of crushing, grinding and mining equipments, we offer advanced, reasonable solutions for any size-reduction requirements including, Weight calculation of aggrigate & sand for 1 cum, quarry, aggregate, and different kinds of minerals.

Gravel Size Gradation Chart which stone to choose

Products in this range are notably more compactible and suited for creating a base layer -such as Crusher Run, Screenings, Sand and Soil. For support of heavy vehicles – choose our #3 or #4 stone. For standard driveways – choose our #57 or #67. For more elaborate driveways – choose our 1/2" to 2" river gravel.


Subbase Course is the layer of aggregate material of the pavement structure placed on the subgrade. Subbase is often the main load-bearing layer of the pavement structure. Its role is to spread the load evenly over the subgrade. This material is typically unbound granular material and is very important for the useful life of the road.

Materials Testing Manual | ADOT

Alternate Procedures for Sieving of Coarse and Fine Graded Soils and Aggregates. ARIZ 249 (link is external) September 5, 1996. Remolded Ring Samples for Direct Shear, Swell, and Consolidation. ARIZ 251a (link is external) March 31, 2010. Combined Coarse and Fine Aggregate Specific Gravity and Absorption. AASHTO Standards.

901 AGGREGATES - SHA MediaWiki

Jun 16, 2020· (f) Fine aggregate meeting M 6 may be used if the lightweight concrete does not exceed the maximum unit weight specified in the Contract Documents. (g) Fly ash shall not exceed 12 percent loss on ignition. (h) For use as a granular road base material. Not intended for use in locations where surfacing will not be placed over the base. MATERIAL

Aggregates - Martin Marietta

Base (Dense-Graded Base Coarse) Common Sizes. 1-1/2" and smaller; Other DOT sizes available Designations. Base, Base Course, Graded Base Course (GAB), Aggregare Base Course (ABC) Common Applications. Foundations for Highways and Structures Road Shoulder Stabilization Unpaved Road Stabilization

3/4" Road Base (Class 6) - The Aggregate Source

Item Number: 020. Weight per Cubic Yard: 1.60 Tons. Color: Pink/Gray. Description: 3/4" Road Base. Commonly Used for: Base for driveways under concrete & asphalt

Grading and Base Home Page - Minnesota Department of ...

Apr 12, 2001· The Minnesota Department of Transportation provides its home page with links to its regional offices, bid letting, construction, future highway plans, hot topics, jobs, library, licensing information, map sales, news, public meetings, research, road & travel information, and related links.

crushed aggregate base course density

crushed aggregate base course materials unit weight . Section 28 Aggregate Base Course. of aggregate base course for, use under runway shoulder, taxiway shoulder and roadway ... quality may be crushed and become a part ... Graded Aggregate Base Course - Clemson University . Graded Aggregate Base Material Properties ...

Base Aggregate Calculator - CSGNetwork

This script helps estimate the aggregate tonnage required for a particular job. To use this calculator, enter the appropriate width, length, and thickness of this application. Click on the measuring designator for thickness in feet or inches. Then, click on either Base Rock, Drain Rock, or a Custom Density material selection.

Base Materials - Foley Materials

Base materials range from non-spec material such as fill sand/dirt, and crushed stone base to DOT & ASTM certified stone. Granite based stone materials range from Graded Aggregate Base to 1" Stone. Commonly used sizes are #5, #6, #57 & #67 stone.

Calculating gravel tonnage, cubes, and sand and earth.

The densities (pounds per square foot, or tons per cubic yard, sometimes called "pounds per foot" or "tons per cube") will also vary according to the season, the saturation levels (dampness) of the piles of medium when you purchase the mediums, the quality of the …


P-209, Crushed Aggregate Base Course Page 4 of 5 this purpose. In no case will the addition of thin layers of material be added to the top layer of base course to meet grade. If the elevation of the top layer is ½ inch (12 mm) or more below grade, the top layer of base shall be scarified to a depth of at least 3 inches (72 mm), new material ...


The most recent Aggregate Base Course (ABC) unit weight test results performed by the NCDOT M&T Soils lab can be queried using this page. Use the drop down boxes to select the company and/or quarry submitting the sample. To see the results of all tests, click on the "Search" button without specifying a company or quarry.


weight of rollers to compact the material to the required density. Compact the aggregate base course in-place to a field target density of at least 100 percent and a lower specification limit (L) of at least 97.0 percent of the maximum density of laboratory specimens prepared from samples of base course material delivered to the job site.


2018 Transportation Short Course October 16, 2018. Table of contents. 2. 5-9. Selection & Information Guide. 3-4. Material Types. 1 2 4 Recycled Materials. 15-19

Aggregate Base Density Data - Earthwork/grading ...

Jun 09, 2005· Most pavers use 110 pounds per square yard per inch of thickness (or 146.67 pounds pcf) for estimating graded aggregate base. This seems to work well. Talk to your local quarry sales department. They should be able to give you densities for your region. Our quarries publish tables indicating compacted densities of all their products.


Salv Aggregate Base, Conditioning, LM ..... Cubic Yard A. Aggregate Base. The Engineer will determine the moisture content and pay weights in accordance with section 109. The Engineer will measure . Aggregate Base. by the scale weight of the material, including admixtures, and moisture content no greater than 8%.

Pay Item Pay Unit Stabilizer Aggregate Ton

Pay Item Pay Unit Stabilizer Aggregate Ton 2 SECTION 520 3 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 4 520-1 DESCRIPTION 5 Perform the work covered by this section including, but not limited to, constructing a base 6 composed of an approved aggregate material hauled to the road, placed on the road, mixed,

Density of Construction Materials in kg/m3 and lb/ft3 ...

Density is also called as unit weight of substance. It is represented by symbol called row ( p). Density represents the degree of compactness of material. If the material is of more density, it is more compacted material. Density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume. p = m/v Units = kg/m 3 or lb/ft 3 Conversion: 1 kg/m 3 = 0.624 lb/ft 3.


Preparation of Base 2. Provision of lateral confinement of aggregates 3. Preparation of Mix • for small quantity concrete mixer may be used • find OMC after replacing retained on 22.4 mm with material 4.75 to 22.4 mm f4. Spreading of Mix • Spreading of mix to be done uniformly / evenly • Should not be dumped in heaps • Finishing by ...

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